Building up your baby registry takes quite some time to put together! Some mamas finish it quickly, while other mamas take their time and go into every detail- I know I did! You need time to add your items, figure out exactly what you need, and do your research on potential items that your little one will be using. For me it was LOTS of research. Your baby doesn't need much, and you'll think "Why do I need all of this?" No you don't need majority of them, but eventually most of these items will come in handy!
To start, I originally registered at Babies R' Us because it was right next to my house (this was before I knew about Buy Buy Baby) I would go into the store and HATE the ambiance, it made me want to do my registry online, I hated going in there! I also didn't like all of the product brands they had, I felt like they didn't have enough. Their brand and item list was minimal, and I could never find what I wanted from online inside of their store. I did some more searching and heard a family member mention "Buy Buy Baby" in Mission Viejo and instantly fell IN LOVE! This place is any new moms dream come true. I compare it to the Disneyland for mamas, it's just amazing. You can find everything you'll ever need... (I can't stress ever enough) Think about Bed Bath and Beyond, but baby form- it's clean, and you NEVER leave empty handed... EVER! As soon as I stepped inside, I cancelled my registry at BRU and started a new one here at Buy Buy Baby. Though I registered at Buy Buy Baby, there were also other items I purchased for little babe and I from online stores which I also will have listed below. (seen in photo)

I was so excited to begin my new registry at BBB, I knew I'd be able to get everything I wanted and needed! ! A great perk about registering at BBB is that you're allowed to use your 20% off coupons (exclusions apply) from Bed Bath and Beyond and Buy Buy Baby since they're both sister companies, and also along with their $5 off coupons from both places! Having a baby can be expensive, and they make it a great way to save money for new parents! Another perk is that after your baby shower and towards the end of your pregnancy, they'll send you a 10% completion coupon in the mail and on your email which you're able to use as your completion discount. With this discount code there are NO exclusions! So use it wisely! You can only use the 10% on one purchase, I used it on our UPPAbaby Vista stroller in Jake (Retail $879) which made it a great deal- I was very thankful for that coupon! After you have your baby, you're able to also get free shipping for all of your online purchases as long as you meet the amount of money you had to spend on your registry. I met it right away since all of my guests purchased majority of our items from there. Being able to order online without having to pay for shipping AND using my 20% off coupon has been a blessing!
So, what did I have on my registry from Buy Buy Baby? I had many, many things! I knew I wasn't going to use everything or need everything I had on there, but I started early so whenever I would think of something I would add it on. Let's just say, I had 163 items on my registry, I know, it's unnecessary and it's a lot but I was a new mom and I was excited (that's a good excuse, right?) Below I'm going to list the items I had on my baby registry and let you know what has been useful and why, and what was useless and why!
Crib mattress- Obvious must have, if you'll be crib sleeping.
JuJuBe Be Prepared Diaper bag- The best bag ever! Refer to my previous post to learn all about it!
Water Wipes- We can't live without them, BEST wipes EVER!
DockATot- Our MUST have holy grail item. We can't live without this co- sleeper! Well worth the money investment.
Colic Calm- We've only used it a couple of times since our son isn't so fussy, but all of our friends swear by it! (www.amazon.com)
Lansinoh hand pump- I loved it more than my Medela Pump In Style Advance.
Milk Snob Car seat cover- Must have to keep strangers and germs away from your newborn! (www.milksnob.com)
Burts Bees crib sheets- The SOFTEST sheets for your baby! No other brand compares.
Dresser- You know you're not sharing your closet space.
Changing Pad- We use it daily! We have it on top of the dresser.
Baby Shusher- This is a pretty cool item, our photographer was using it at our newborn photo shoot! The repetitive shushing sound helps our son sleep fast! (www.amazon.com)
Aden + Anais Cotton Blanket- You need at least one! It's so soft, we love it and bring it everywhere.
Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets- We use them for everything, not always swaddling!
Breathablebaby Mesh Baby Bumper- Must have for crib safety of your little one!
UPPAbaby Vista- THE best stroller! It has so many functions and can be used for 2+ children! It comes with the rumble seat and bassinet.
UPPAbaby Mesa- It clicks right into your vista, no need for any adapters!
Graco 4Ever All- in-1 Convertible Car Seat- Put all of your money in one basket! A car seat for when they're a newborn all the way until they're in a booster!
Brica Firefly Car Mirror- Turn around and easily see your little one while rear facing!
4Moms mamaRoo- This item is a gamble. Some little ones love it while others hate it. Luckily, ours LOVES it! Well worth the price, our little one will stay in it for HOURS!
Kiinde Bottle System- I swear by this system even if it's the only one I've used to store and feed my milk. It's the best- simple, clean, and great for dad to use. (I've been pumping and feeding since day one and have had no nipple confusion!)
Kiinde Kozii Breastmilk Warmer- Great warmer if you're using the Kiinde bottle system! Fits the milk bags perfectly, small, and has a timer!
Medela Micro Steam Bags- You can use each bag up to 25 times and it fits so many items! An ounce of water and 4 minutes in the microwave and you're ready to go!
Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads- They come in individual wraps. They're soft and great for breast leaks!
Lansinoh Hands Free Pumping Bra- Must have for an electric pump!
Boon Lawn Counter top Drying Rack- Perfect for all babies washable items. We use it on the daily!
Burping Cloths- Get tons of them! We can't stop washing them, extremely useful!
Philips Avent Soothies- Our little one loves them, they're a must have!
Wubbanub- Have at least one, they're a soothie with a plush animal at the end. Something fun and cute for your little to grab onto.
Baby Bathtub- We have the Aquascale Digital Scale & Thermometer. You do need a bath tub, but we have this expensive one for all of the features we've never used (we don't even have the batteries in it) If I could go back, I'd rather have purchased a cheaper basic bath!
Elegant Baby Elephant Bathrobe- We have 3 Elegant baby bath robes, they're great and use after every bath!
Washcloths- It doesn't matter the brand, but get tons! We have around 20!
Diaper Genie- Baby registry MUST have. You definitely need this item, no stinky diapers!
Project Nursery Camera- We love Project Nursery, the clarity is great and also comes with a mini monitor so you don't have to carry around something so bulky. Just throw it on your wrist!
NoseFrida- A must have! We can't go a day without it. Forget that bulb!
Crane Ultrasonic Cool mist Humidifier- Must have for any baby, especially in dry winter and when they're sick!
Rectal Thermometer- Must have! You always want to make sure your babies temperature isn't over 100.4!
Sassy Disposable Diaper Sacks- Must have for home, and diaper bag. We constantly use them!
Dreamtex Waterproof Mattress Pads- Comes in a pack of 2! Must have for your babies crib.
Boppy 3-Pack Waterproof Liners- Great for your changing pad, no messes here!
Boppy Feeding Pillow- Great for moms who are new to breastfeeding, I couldn't live without it in the beginning!
Summer Infant Complete Nursery Kit- Comes with all the bells and whistles that you'll need! It's a great emergency kit to have in the house.
1. HoMedics Sound Spa- We returned this item. We use sounds on our iPhone applications and it works out just fine. If you have a fussy baby, this may be a great product for you.
2. The Mommy Hook- Some mammas love it, but I haven't felt the need for it. Luckily my UPPAbaby has a large basket!
3. Chicco Lullaby Playard- I raved to my husband about how much we needed this. We really didn't, we've only used it for the built in changing table. You can probably hold off on this item until your little on is old enough for just a playpen.
4. Fisher Price Entertainer- We have it sitting in the corner until our little one is older. It's useless for now, but it will come in handy once he's 6+ months. Definitely wait to buy later to save some room!
5. Lasinoh Lanolin- I returned this item. I would stick to something more organic like Earth Mamma Angel Baby especially since your little one will be ingesting the lanolin!
6. Steam Sterilizer- Useless and waste of space. We used it for a day until we started using the Medela Micro Steam bags!
7. Graco Blossom 4-in-1 High Chair- Not a must have for now, but a must have for later. We opened it out of excitement but wish it was something we just purchased on our own later.
8. Bath Toys- We got so many for our baby shower. In reality, your baby won't be using these for a while.
I hope my suggestions help and you enjoy putting your registry together as much as I did. One piece of advice from one mamma to another. Start early, do your research, and don't cram! Happy shopping and best of luck!
Pardon my Baby